Thursday, May 27, 2004
Fucking rodentia
Man, I thought HW had issues with squirrels. Jill's ish puts ours to shame.

Good times
This warms my heart:
It all began when 18-year-old Brandon Sample's family clapped and whistled as the Grandview grad walked across the stage.

It may have seemed harmless, but it was enough to get them tossed out of the ceremony.

Damn right. Those of you who have been to graduation ceremonies have seen it, I'm sure. Every time, the administrators tell people to hold their applause until the end, and yet there's always some idiot family that feels that because their son is the first person in the family's history to manage to graduate from high school, they can break the rules. Inevitably every other family does it, and suddenly a 45 minute graduation ceremony is running into it's third hour, and you've gotten (alphabetically) to Patterson.
Brandon's parents admitted there were warnings against making too much noise. There was even a warning on the program, but his mother said things were taken just too far.
Honey, if there's a warning in the program, and you disobey it, you pay the price. And that's the way it is. Idiot.

Where's Evergreen Terrace at, yo?
It's not a Strong Bad Email (so cool), but this is still rather def.

Blog THIS, baby!
Heehee...Wonkette heap funny.

Don't forget to experience the fury of our gift shop
I may have said this before, but I was wrong. Oh God, was I ever wrong then. ::sob:: so wrong . . .

BEST. STRONG BAD EMAIL. EVER. And remember to wait at the end, there's more...MUCH more!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004
DDR - Double Data Rate? Not this time!
Okay, as usual, I'm a latecomer to the latest trend: DDR, or Dance Dance Revolution. Apparently it's become the best thing for fat teenagers since masturbation was invented. Being a chronic masturbator myself, I am of course intrigued. Anybody out there tried it?

COOLEST. THING. EVER. And just what I need, since my 802.11g connection at home has been hell of spotty recently, and I can't figure out why.

I'm wondering if it kinda works both ways, as in, if I stick my router atop some kind of wireless reflector, will all the signals getting beamed into the ground get deflected upwards? see also HMMMMMM, things that make you go.

Get up outs my grill, niyya
Herbert Kornfeld on why his family is none of your goddamn business.

Okay, technically, they're just reporting the news:
The US will fund the construction of a new maximum security prison and, when that is completed and with the approval of the Iraqi government, "we will demolish the Abu Ghraib prison as a fitting symbol of Iraq's new beginning," Mr Bush said, stumbling over the pronunciation of the prison's name.
But it's pretty clear exactly how "unbiased" the reporter is.

UPDATE: More here.

Dopetastic smith Squeeze
What's your Pimp Name?

Tuesday, May 25, 2004
I am hot.

His brother's name is "Butt."
Hee. Heehee. Heeeeeeee.

Do not Fuck with Yogi. Or he will ignore your pickanic basket and feast upon your flesh.

Sleeper car
This guy has the right idea. I need to hook up something like that, not so I can sleep, but so when I play games and blog incessantly I don't have to worry about my boss sneaking up on me and going "What the hell is a free range human? And what's with all the pictures of dudes?"

I mean . . . shit.

Why did we lose two weeks of posts?

Monday, May 24, 2004
The guy is a super hippie liberal commie-type, but you can't help but be amused at the website title:

Blair shot!
Nevertheless, it is likely he will go down in history as the first man to shoot a Prime Minister with a paintball within the Houses of Parliament.

Friday, May 21, 2004
what the shit?
The fuck is this?
  1. School holds contest, winner of which gets to throw a pie in the face of the teacher or principal of his or her choice.
  2. Contest winner selects principal, shoves pie in face of same.
  3. Contest winner then suspended for 80 freakin' days.
I am without words. the place for rambling columns that make no sense.
Fix the typo in your column so the link will work. For now: Brigadoon. -Milo

Thursday, May 20, 2004
Achewood: a good time for kids
This is one of the weird ones that only I will get. Blogging it anyway.

Things That Make You Go "What The Fuck?"
This is Matt in 40 years.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Flamenco guitarist? What?
Good times in Massachusetts. Pictures of the goings on to be found here.

It's nature's way
Ray Smuckles kickin' the advice beat:
Your wife would like to go out if there were folks or activities she was interested in, but there ain’t so she stays at home and cooks up a single serving of Law and Order with a dessert of Masturbate Pie. A lot of women stay at home at night in order to masturbate to Ice T, this ain’t no kind of weird thing. Just let her stay at home and masturbate to fantasies of Ice T knocking on your apartment door all alone, just wearing his boxers and holding a bottle of Bacardi. Have a good time with your friends, let your woman masturbate to thoughts of Ice T. It’s nature’s way.

PS: Ice T’s character on the show is named Odafin Tutuola, if you want to work that into your pillow talk.

Monday, May 17, 2004 - Cicadas Q&A
Important cicada information:
But are they edible for humans? Yes. Eric Day from Virginia Tech recommends a recipe that boils the insects in rice wine with star anise for about 10 to 20 minutes, then fries them in sesame oil with celery and minced garlic. They taste like "all the ingredients they're cooked in," Day reports, with the consistency of a shoft-shell crab.

Saturday, May 15, 2004
Ow ow ow
I'm pretty sure I never want to experience this:
The surgery finally came through after an excruciating wait, during which she suffered extreme pain just bending down and would wake up in the morning to find that her brain had shifted to one side during the night.
Even better:
"There's no reason not to replace that as soon as you can . . . I don't like to have people who are walking not have their skull."

And they ain't lyin'
This one's for Jodi. Or maybe it's for Milo...who knows.

Friday, May 14, 2004
Jub craves the cock
Virerio Franceschini, 35, reached down the back of the boy's pants and then smelled and licked his own finger before kissing the boy on the mouth, police said.
I think we all know that "Virerio Franceschini" is obviously a made up name. Made up by whom, who ask? Jared M. Smith, of course!

Primetime Dago
Achewood: the reason I don't go postal every morning when I see what a sham my life has become.

A $2400 Deer
Latest Deer Update at

I fixed your typo so now the link works. -Hearn

Thursday, May 13, 2004
Some Democrat HE is:
The Senate on Tuesday rejected by a single vote Sen. Maria Cantwell's amendment to provide extended federal unemployment benefits to 47,000 Washington workers and more than 1 million others nationwide.

The only senator who missed the vote was Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, who was campaigning in Kentucky.

Now This Is Some Real Journalism
I'm going to start hiking more... I need to get out and enjoy nature.

Just ask Myles Brand
College athletics are not a business.

If You Want To Rid Yourself Of $50 Million, Just Give It To Me
Someone is about to make an extremely solid business decision.

Key Quote:

"I can assure you that there will be an anchor tenant," Timothy Leiweke, vice president of the Anschutz Entertainment Group, said Wednesday. "We have had conversations specifically with those leagues' franchises. I don't think there's a better time to get involved with a National Hockey League team than now."
Whatever he's smoking, I want some.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Deer Poop
Update on the results of deer hunting at

Dumb (burnt) Ass
This affirms the fact that there is no required level of intelligence needed to be a radio personality.

Scotch is ruining my life I read some Rick-supplied Mitch Albom and write a long, drunken rant about it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Jesus Christ is Heeeeeere!
With Walk-On-Water Action!

Perhaps cows would be been a better choice of farm creature
You think this is bad? I got SNEEZED on by a horse once.

A full report on this motherfucking deer is at

A General Idea
If you click here, and substitute that dude for a deer that was most certainly not in a crosswalk, and substitute that dumb old woman's car for mine, that's a pretty good idea of how I started my day.

Monday, May 10, 2004
Wait a second:
I should explain that my wife is Jewish, and I am not.
I thought she was Cuban? Is she both? This is so confusing.

Mow it once a week. That's enough, man. Why I don't like bad landscapers.

So good
Hey BEEF! Check it out! I'm NAKED!

Euchre is also good
My name is Hearn . . . and I loves da bitches.

Sunday, May 09, 2004
Groin injuries are just, as a general principle, bad times.

Notable Quote: "The muscle came off the bone and they're going to go in and attach it in the groin," 49ers coach Dennis Erickson said Saturday.

Friday, May 07, 2004
Grab the nearest book
The while and until statements function smiliarly to the if and unless statements, in a looping fashion. (Programming Perl, Larry Wall et al, 2nd edition 1996)
  1. Grab the nearest book.
  2. Open the book to page 23.
  3. Find the fifth sentence.
  4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
From Lollardy.


Alert The Media
New offering at, mostly for the purpose of putting up the Phils pictures.

I'm The Shit, Again
Dave Barry is my real dad.

Thursday, May 06, 2004
How he do?
Scary. Just....scary. (Swiped from Lye Lex.)

Helicopter crashes are cool. (Video)

Wednesday, May 05, 2004
You Stupid Bitch
I've long felt that I should be free to administer a severe beating to certain members of the population who do amazingly dumb or offensive things.

I encountered such a person today at the DC McDonald's, where some yuppie-ass silver-haired rich woman in front of me ordered a $4 salad and paid with a ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR BILL. I shit you not.

The cashier was so flabbergasted she didn't know what to do, and just kind of wandered around waving the thing, hoping a manager would notice. None did, so she had to go fetch one. She didn't have enough cash in her drawer to break the thing. So I end up waiting ten minutes while they raid the safe in order to give this bitch her change.

WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP. Stupid bitch.

That is, indeed, just wrong
This shirt is so fucked up even I wouldn't wear it.

Pointed sticks
The Fish Slapping Dance!

(Brian notes: "What I find interesting is that while it appeared to be a swordfish that she beat him with, they just threw in a picture of the frankenfish that caused everyone around here to go ass over tits last week." True, true.)

Bring yo ass
I'm Rick James, Bitch!

Tuesday, May 04, 2004
In 1989, Clint Malarchuk had his jugular cut by a skate.

Monday, May 03, 2004
I should get a glass eye
Why the Rat Pack ruled:
The Rat Pack was the primal embodiment of the notion that we are not put on this earth to toil until death, but rather that we are here to swing.

The Revolutionary Isosceles Lock

I Love The Internet
Here we have a completly wonderful, magnificent, blatant and total breach of copyright. Enjoy while you can.

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